Raymond 發表於 2011-9-9 15:48:54

搵暈晒旺角花墟都無呀!:'( :'(

Rocky 發表於 2011-9-9 16:19:40

小桃, 乜唔係有種籽咩?


YHC 發表於 2011-9-9 16:58:46

原帖由 鄧姑 於 2011-9-9 11:18 發表 http://www.akinalliance.org/discuz/images/common/back.gif
好有興趣種廣霍香, 因這中草藥藥用價值很高, 消炎殺菌之餘還可修復皮膚, 但好似唔知植物的真身是怎樣的, 以下圖片抄自台灣....不知香港有沒有這種植物


圖片: 左上是迷迭香, 右上是薄荷
左下是甜菊, 右下 ... 在元朗我朋友以前住的地方有一棵迷迭香, 可惜她搬了屋, 薄荷很久前在元墩附近路邊見過, 這兩種植物在香港應很易種

Tungtung 發表於 2011-9-9 21:37:11

I had once grown three of the plants in the picture when I was in Australia. They are rosemary, mint and oregano. I don't know the plant on the left of the picture down the bottom. Oregano is the one you are looking for. Below is some useful info.
Physical characteristics:
Greek Oregano, in bloom, reaches a height of almost two feet. Like all culinary oreganos, its flower is white. Its leaves are coarse, oval, and fuzzy. Leaves are about 5/8 inch long; they are dark green when fresh and light green when dried.
In Greek cooking, oregano is used in tomato sauces, with meats, fish, cheese, egg dishes, salads, cheeses, and with vegetables including tomatoes, zucchini, and green beans. It is also used to prepare a tea that is believed to be a treatment for indigestion, coughs, and to stimulate menstruation.

Tungtung 發表於 2011-9-9 21:42:14

Also, if you need lots of mint. My parents farm has plenty. they are easy to grow, e.g. from the stalks. Let me know and I can bring you some.

鄧姑 發表於 2011-9-13 21:06:38


鄧姑 發表於 2011-9-13 21:11:58


打左1500 c.c.....手都軟, 但完成後又好有滿足感..

鄧姑 發表於 2011-9-13 21:16:30

新版都幾好用...多左好多function, 但..遲下又會有人呱呱叫...唔識用呀! {:3_62:}

鄧姑 發表於 2011-9-13 21:27:05

本帖最後由 鄧姑 於 2011-9-13 21:41 編輯

這是Carmen給我的咖啡渣做的咖啡家事皂, 用了50%椰子油, 成品很硬淨...相信用來洗碗...洗衫..會幾好用的...仲有濃濃的咖啡味...{:3_53:}

鄧姑 發表於 2011-9-15 23:34:59

今年除了不停整月餅外, 我還不停的整了許多手工皂月餅到外國...哈..似月餅嗎?

全賴有你 發表於 2011-9-16 10:41:34

鄧姑, 你做到咁靚, 小心自己都唔記得係肥皂,

鄧姑 發表於 2011-9-16 14:58:21

鄧姑, 你做到咁靚, 小心自己都唔記得係肥皂,
全賴有你 發表於 2011-9-16 10:41 http://www.akinalliance.org/discuz/images/common/back.gif

咁我又唔會, 但我妹妹就以為係冰皮, 差d 食左...嚇死我...

Raymond 發表於 2011-9-16 16:10:11


全賴有你 發表於 2011-9-16 16:57:46


karen 發表於 2011-9-16 21:52:33

本帖最後由 karen 於 2011-9-16 21:56 編輯

回復 93# 鄧姑

最近沒有來 cafe,走寶添~ :'(

有關左手香 / 到手香,我問了台灣的朋友,她發給我一個連結:

另外,祝鄧姑生日快樂,身體健康~ :)
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