咁樣, 我都要1lb. 不過,雖然是同社的老朋友,也不要太麻煩人,始終”磅磅”聲都好重.年紀大都是不要拖太重的行李.我議建由劉建文及關詠珊決定可以帶幾多回來.1磅太多就半磅.減肥呢家嘢都是很虛無的事,十年前從昆明買回來的半斤田七粉(通血管,減肥)還在櫃中.真是作者: YHC 時間: 2012-2-3 14:19
如他們方便蔕, 我都想要1/2磅 或 1 磅, 如已太多利李就不用了, 謝謝作者: Ah_Chai 時間: 2012-2-3 18:21
No worry, we have a friend (spaceman) that regularly travels between Canada & Hong Kong. Last time, he bought 10 lbs for Ah Yuk. According to Ah Yuk, it costs HK$80/lb; in Hong Kong, it's around $200/lb (but properly packed).
You can buy 1 lb to try first, if more friends need Chia Seeds in the future, we can easily arrange it.作者: 黎猛 時間: 2012-2-3 23:10 回復 13#Ah_Chai
The one from Costco is around $16 per lb. Costco is a big wholesale company..
may be quality is better than some bulk sales in plastic bag?!
But I will see if I can find it ..other than from Costco.