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恭 賀 新 禧  鼠 年 進 步

發表於 2008-2-7 00:00:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
恭喜發財 : Wishing you prosperity
招財進寶 : May money and treasure be plentiful
生意興隆 : Business prospers
出入平安 : Wishing you safety wherever you go
萬事如意 : Everything goes as you hope
青春常駐 : Full of youthful vigour
和氣生財 : Harmony brings wealth
一本萬利 : May you make great profits
步步高昇 : Be promoted to a higher position
花開富貴 : Fortune comes with blooming flowers
身壯力健 : Be healthy and vigorous all year
金玉滿堂 : Treasures fill the home
新春大吉 : Good fortune in the New Year
心想事成 : May all your wishes come true
龍馬精神 : The energy of a dragon and a horse
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