Tang Goo,
Please help to order the following for me:
小收納袋 x10 ($10)
戶外野營火柴 x1 ($5)
防蚊防蜂頭罩 x1 ($19.80)
仿MSR四角釘 1 set of 8 ($28)
仿MSR,胡吧雙人專用地布 and cover
Many thanks!
Tang Goo,
Please help to order the following for me too
小收納袋 (x10)
戶外野營火柴 (x2)
仿MSR四角釘 1 set of 8 (x2)
仿MSR,胡吧雙人專用cover (x1)
戶外 自動充氣小坐墊 便攜式坐墊 帶外袋, (x2)
Many thanks
every party will has a Huba now! Hope we can have a camping soon and using same type of tents.....it's should looks funny & lovely!
Michelle : please also order the tent cover for Albert Wong, he got the single one which is without the fly sheet. Also Ah Chi, I don't if he needs the fly for his Huba-huba (2 person tent).