Alice 果然非凡。I was wrong.....
I was wrong to interpret your intention pleading for an amicable settlement
of the long standing "argument" for bleaching the Articles of Akinalliance. I'm
sorry for my inadvertence. Please accept my apology.
No worry. everybody made mistakes and I wish to learn from my mistakes and change myself not to change others cos it's the only way. And that's something I want to share.
請堅持你認為對的事,但請簡潔清晰,免得弄巧反拙使人曲解。由於這些年同社一直沒停地向前行著,箇中實在有太多事情在變革,所以社員真的需要包容這些年在社內出力維持同社 keep moving on 的一群,不是一個人。